There are many different routes to reduce pain. Because persistent pain comes in many different forms.
Sometimes there’s a diagnosis, like fibromyalgia, or spondylitis.
Other times it is non-specific, like most back and neck pain.
There can be so much pain in your body, you might be sceptical about how a mind-based intervention could work.
Yet the research shows that once disease and pathology have been ruled out, the psychological component of pain is as important as any tissue changes.
The mindfulness attitude of beginner’s mind invites you to keep an open mind. Understand what signals danger to you, and get about curious about your pain, and how to break the habits keeping you stuck.
This month’s video discusses how beginner’s mind can help you with pain, and includes five ways you can get started practicing today.
You can view the video here.
If you think mindfulness might help you with pain, let’s talk. Please get in touch for a complimentary consultation.
And sign up for my regular emails, as regular support and encouragement to practice mindfulness can help you make the most of it in your life.