
Mindfulness articles and resources.

Mindfulness for pain: five ways to help you

Pain is common, it is normal. Up to 20% of humans experience pain that has persisted for more than three months. Ongoing pain is more common in women than men, and the numbers top 50% for women in midlife. Studies…

Mindfulness for insomnia: getting the sleep you want

Up to 20 percent of adults, and more than 60 per cent of women going through the menopause, have problems sleeping. Mindfulness for insomnia can help. Insomnia is defined as difficulty falling asleep, and/or problems staying asleep. It can also…

Five ways to calm your mind in nature

person walking between green forest trees

The natural world gives us many examples of mindfulness in action. Whether it is trees ‘letting go’ of leaves, or animals ‘trusting’ their instincts about where to find food. And there are many ways you can calm your mind in…

Reduce stress by letting go

body of water between green leaf trees

Letting go is one of the seven attitudes of mindfulness. To reduce stress by letting go, cultivate the ability to be non-attached, to accept what is. And put aside your tendency to grasp at things you want, and push away…

How non-striving can make progress easier

silhouette of mountains

For those of you brought up in goal-oriented cultures, non-striving is one of the hardest attitudes of mindfulness to understand. It requires you develop the skill of practicing without being attached to a particular outcome. Mahatma Gandhi once wrote: ‘Do…

How to trust yourself when you are full of doubt

Trust is one of the seven attitudes of mindfulness. How to trust yourself, and your feelings, is an integral part of mindfulness practice. The Buddha once said that no one should believe things just because he said them. He advised…