
Mindfulness articles and resources.

How a beginner’s mind can reduce pain in your body

Persistent pain comes in many different forms. It may a have specific name, like fibromyalgia, or spondylitis. It may affect your head, or your shoulders, your pelvis, or your gut. It might be termed neurogenic, or non-specific. It may happen…

Five ways acceptance can help you reduce persistent pain

What do you mean by acceptance in relation to persistent pain? How is this even possible? How can you be accepting of something so debilitating and unpleasant? Doesn’t this just mean giving up? These and other questions might legitimately be…

Cultivating joy – even when you have pain

There’s a common misconception that when you have pain, you have to wait until your pain stops before you can take action. Pain must cease before you can exercise, meditate, or return to hobbies. Truth is, the route to reducing…

Reduce pain by a third with mindfulness

Being mindful about pain reduces its intensity and severity. It sounds counter-intuitive – why would you want to be mindful about pain? And yet your relationship with your pain – what you think about it, what you tell yourself, what…