
Mindfulness articles and resources.

Mindfulness for pain: how to say thank you

How can saying “thank you” for pain help you heal? It might sound strange, but gratitude combined with mindfulness has been shown to reduce pain and anxiety, helping you manage your symptoms more effectively. In my latest video, I explore…

Trust yourself: mindfulness for chronic pain

The Buddha once advised his followers not to believe everything he told them. He suggested they should try out his teachings in their own lives. Using what was useful, discarding what wasn’t. This is an example of learning to trust…

How patience helps when dealing with chronic pain

Good things come to those who wait. And if you are living with pain, you may feel you’ve waited quite long enough. Sometimes the physical element of pain is a normal part of being human. And you cannot always prevent…

Letting go of pain with mindfulness

The attitude of letting go can ease pain in a number of ways. Pain often stops you doing what you want to do, and this can lead to you getting stuck. It’s natural to want to push away things you…