

How non-striving can make progress easier

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For those of you brought up in goal-oriented cultures, non-striving is one of the hardest attitudes of mindfulness to understand. It requires you develop the skill of practicing without being attached to a particular outcome. Mahatma Gandhi once wrote: ‘Do…

Learn patience through mindfulness

Patience is one of the seven attitudes of mindfulness. Learn patience through mindfulness, and you help yourself and others. The events of your life unfold over time. There is no need to rush. You may find yourself getting frustrated with…

Daily mindfulness – understanding acceptance

Of the seven attitudes of mindfulness, understanding acceptance is arguably the most useful one to cultivate. And practicing mindfulness is a bit like gardening – you must prepare the soil, plant seeds, weed the ground and water the plants, if…

10 ways mindfulness can help with stress

However calm and balanced we try to remain, there are always situations that catch us off guard. People and issues that ‘push our buttons’. At these times, mindfulness can help. Next time you find your stress spiraling, try one of…

Train the brain you want

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Neuroplasticity – the science of how our brains adapt and change throughout our lives – and how you can train the brain you want. Habits like physical exercise, mental rehearsal, and learning new skills can all help you build the…