
Hello, I am Alison Bale BSc, a UK Accredited Practitioner/Teacher of Mindfulness Meditation. I offer online mindfulness courses for groups and individuals.

My main focus is mindfulness for chronic pain.

When pain is chronic – has lasted more than three months – science tells us your beliefs, your expectations and your past experience all influence how much pain you have, and when.

With mindfulness, you learn the science and practical skills to help you deal skilfully and proactively with your pain, and achieve long term relief naturally.

working with you to use mindfulness for pain relief

Free Consultation

Online consultation, so you can find out more about mindfulness and decide what is the best way forward for you.

Eight-week Course

The formal Mindfulness Now course, with a mix of meditation, informal practices, exercises and discussion.

One–to–One Session

A one-to-one mindfulness session, allowing you to explore issues specific to you, in confidence.

Get my FREE eBook “Five ways to reduce pain with mindfulness”

Sign up to my newsletter list and I’ll send you my free eBook “Five ways to reduce pain with mindfulness”. It includes how mindfulness helps, and five ways you can get started today.

Following an on-line course with Alison, I am feeling amazing benefits regarding my ability to control and work with the pain of Rheumatoid Arthritis. I had been taking maximum doses of all prescribed painkillers but still struggled. Mindfulness techniques and an understanding of my own inner strength and resources have meant a reduction of medication and a new positive attitude. Depression is lifting and I aim to maintain my progress as I have been left with a toolbox of help and techniques to draw from. Thank you so much Alison! 

– Nick, Gardener